Other possible titles for this episode: Food and Fiction. Scumptious Stories. Delectable Dramas. Mouth-watering Myths. Belly-satisfying Books. Yummy Yarns.
You get the idea.
We all eat. Most of us every day, even several times a day. It’s understandable, then, that food shows up in the stories we consume (pun intended). But what is the role of food in stories? Is it simply to reflect real-life, or is there more going on? Guest Janelle Deal joins her husband Timothy Deal and co-host Nick Hayden to discuss the implications of dinner scenes and hungry characters in this month’s episode.
Then, after a new twist on “Once Upon a Sentence,” Janelle, Timothy, and Nick present the annual book club edition of Our Take on Tales.
Find the closest comfort food or glass of whatever-floats-your-boat and feast your ears on episode 137 of your premiere podcast on storytelling for the creator and the consumer, Derailed Trains of Thought.